
The Host City

All Roads lead to Rome
Throughout the centuries, Rome has had such a deep impact on the world, that, in a way, introducing it almost seems redundant. Visiting Rome means more than simply visiting a city, it means revisiting the entire history of the western world from its early beginnings. With its Coliseum, its timeless forum, its ancient baths and pagan temples, fountains, churches and Michelangelo’s magnificent St. Peter’s basilica, Rome offers a unique opportunity to breathe the atmosphere which once reigned during the great Emperors’ days.
Quite literally, no other city in the world even comes close to Rome’s beauty and artistic prowess.
The sunny disposition of Roman dwellers and the city’s exquisite cuisine, make for an all the more incomparable setting.


The events in Rome during EURO | INFORMS
To know what to do in Rome and have the possibility to search events by date click on the following links when the conference is approaching