Special Issues

Papers from EURO 2013 will be considered for a Special Issue of the following International Journals:

- EURO Journal on Decision Processes
(https://www.editorialmanager.com/ejdp) devoted to Operational Research and Ethics

- Springer LNBIP Issue
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) Springer Book on “Impact of the Web of Things in Decision Support Systems for Global Environments “ F.Dargam, J.E.Hernández, P.Zaraté, S.Liu, R.Ribeiro, B.Delibasic, J. Papatanasiou (editors)
Expected book publication: 2nd Quarter of 2014.
This Issue will contain selected and revised full papers of the EWG-DSS DSS Stream on the EUROXXVI INFORMS in Rome.

- JDS – Journal of Decision Systems
Special Issue on “Knowledge-based Decision Systems“ Shaofeng.Liu, Pascale Zaraté, Rita Ribeiro (Guest Editors) Expected book publication: 2nd Quarter of 2014.
This Special Issue will contain selected and revised full papers of the EWG-DSS DSS Stream on the EUROXXVI INFORMS in Rome.

- City Logistics
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics
Guest editors: Teodor Gabriel Crainic and Dominique Feillet

Deadline to submit manuscripts: July 15, 2013
Publication date: September 01, 2014

Urban distribution has emerged in the last two decades as an important concern for many cities, freight carriers, logistics service providers, retailers, and citizens. Many new forms of distribution and freight transportation organization and management have been proposed and sometimes experimented to adapt to new expectations of citizens and new collective goals of urban sustainable development. Compared to traditional schemes, many new challenges appear for the Operational Research community, including, but not limited to the numerous new forms of urban freight transportation that should be explored and evaluated, the development of appropriate planning models and methods for City Logistics systems, the integration of City Logistics into the planning of urban transportation networks, the major opportunities offered by telematics (Intelligent Transportation Systems) to better organize and manage the traffic and transportation systems in general, the way sustainability can be better integrated into decisions.
The aim of this special issue is to report on new models and insights on the application of OR to City Logistics. Papers that take special care of practical considerations (e.g., availability of data, stakeholder objectives, new rules in cities..) and that tend to provide a generic understanding of the challenges raised by City Logistics will be particularly appreciated.

In order to submit a paper for a Special Issue, Log on the editorial manager using the  Author Login.
Select Submit New Manuscript in the main menu.
In the drop down list associated with Choose Article Type, select the desired special issue. The entries corresponding to the special issues start with SI.